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Li, Y., Williams, L., Muth, C., Heshmati, S., Chow, S. M., & Oravecz, Z. (2024). A Growth of Hierarchical Autoregression Model for Capturing Individual Differences in Changes of Dynamic Characteristics of Psychological Processes. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1–14.

Fitzgerald, M. & Williams, L. (2024). When childhood states become adult traits: Examination of trait anxiety and anger as mediators linking childhood maltreatment to marital outcomes in midlife adults over time. Psychology of Violence. IF: 4.14.

Clifton, A., Barber, S., Bray, A., Enevoldsen, P., Fields, J., Sempreviva, A. M., Williams, L., Quick, J., Purdue, M., Totaro, P., and Ding, Y. (2023). Grand Challenges in the Digitalisation of Wind Energy, Wind Energ. Sci. Discuss.

Williams, L., Lunacek, M., Kelley, K., Ge, Y., Hilliard, M., Phillips, C.. Freight Demand Prediction at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. 101st TRB Annual Meeting. January, 2022.

Latiffianti, E., Ding, Y., Sheng, S., Williams, L., Morshedizadeh, M., Rodgers, M.. Analysis of leading edge protection application on wind turbine performance through energy and power decomposition approaches. Wind Energy, 25(2).

Sandhu, R., Tripp, C., Quon, E., Thedin, R., Lawson, M., Brandes, D., Farmer, Miller, T., Draxl, C., Doubrawa, P., Williams, L., Duerr, A., Braham, M. & Katzner, T. (2022). Stochastic agent-based model for predicting turbine-scale raptor movements during updraft-subsidized directional flights. Ecological Modelling, 466, 109876.

VenkataDurga, R., Moore, A., Williams, L., Hilliard, M. & Phillips, C.. A Multi-Commodity Air Freight Origin-Destination Demand Analysis. 101st TRB Annual Meeting. January, 2022. To Appear.

Perr-Sauer, J., Optis, M., Fields, J. M., Bodini, N., Lee, J. C.Y., Todd, A., Simley, E., Hammond, R., Phillips, C., Lunacek, M., Kemper, T., Williams, L., Craig, A., Agarwal, N., Sheng, S. & Meissner, J.. OpenOA: An Open-Source Codebase For Operational Analysis of Wind Farms. Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). February 26, 2021. 

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Ugirumurera, J., Severino, J., Ficenec, K., Ge, Y., Wang, Q.,
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Lee, J. C., Stuart, P., Clifton, A., Fields, M. J., Perr-Sauer, J., Williams, L., Cameron, L., Greer, T. & Housley, P. (2020). The Power Curve Working Group’s assessment of wind turbine power performance prediction methods. Wind Energy Science, 5(1), 199-223.

Williams, L., Phillips C., Sheng S., Dobos A. & Wei X., ”Scalable Wind Turbine Generator Bearing Fault Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Case Study,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), Detroit, MI, USA, 2020, pp. 1-9, https://doi:10.1109/ICPHM49022.2020.9187050

Desai, A., Guo, Y., Sheng, S., Phillips, C. & Williams, L. (2020). Prognosis of Wind Turbine Gearbox Bearing Failures using SCADA and Modeled Data. Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 12(1), 10.

Guo, Y., Sheng, S., Phillips, C., Keller, J., Veers, P. &
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